Let me start with a little tip: whenever you start testing import Dancer2::Test and specify which apps you're going to use:
use Dancer2::Test apps => ['app1', 'app2'];
Probably you already knew it, but I had to dig up a little in Dancer2 docs to find that this is a "must have" for Dancer2::Test and everytime I spend time to find something I think that what I find deserves few words on this blog. When you'll search for it like me, I'll be there, on the first page of Google, waiting for you.
But I was talking about gloomy mysteries so now we'll talk about strage behaviours of Dancer2::Test, triggered by nasty (but legit) coding choices.
In my first article I talked about before hooks and forward.
See this example:
hook before => sub {
my $context = shift;
if (request->path_info eq '/ghost_path' )
$context->response( forward('/solid_path' ));
You obviously defined a dispatcher for '/solid_path' but there's no reason you have to define a dispatcher for '/ghost_path'. Still, calling '/ghost_path' will return a page (HTTP code 200! Win!).
Now we'll write a test for this:
response_status_is ['GET' => '/ghost_path'], 200;
Result is:
# got: '404'
# expected: '200'
What? Aaaargh, Wotan worshipper rises is axe!
Dancer2::Test does a bit of introspection in your Dancer2 App. When you ask for a path it simply tries to find it in the defined dispatchers, where there isn't. It can't deduce that all will go well thanks to the before hook so the test fails.
But. Wotan. Worshipper. Wants. To. Test!
Well, servers never lie. Never. If the test could be done with a real server and not just... playing with pms...
Here comes Test::TCP.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::TCP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
client => sub {
my $port = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $res = $ua->get("$port/ghost_path/");
server => sub {
my $port = shift;
use Dancer2;
use multilang;
set(show_errors => 1,
startup_info => 0,
environment => 'developement',
port => $port
This is a real server launched by a script and reached by a real client. It's just as the actual site. And the test goes well...
What we learned today? Running a server and click in a browser is the only reliable way to test something. Let a machine doing it by itself without all the boring part (open a browser... digit the url... go on Facebook while loading...) is good.
Obviously, in many many cases Dancer2::Test, plain and simple, is enough and it's the right way to do things, because it's a bit less complex working with it. But keep an eye on exceptions...
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