Monday, 22 July 2013

The dumb code festival - 3

In the first two chapters of our dump code festival we just did a lot of frontend developement, something completely independent from the framework we are using and with no server-side logic.
Well, today frontend developement is very important and HTML::FormFu is a very complex and obscure thing so I think it's not so bad we spent all this time on it.

You know? I'm trying to make HTML::FormFu "cooperate" with Twitter Bootstrap. Yes, it's possible and easy enough, but you have to do tricks and you'll never have all the freedom you probably want. However, letting twitter bootstrap render the form make it nicer than not doing it, so... give it a try.

But now we have to talk about logic.
Business logic in a login form is triggered just on submit, when data start its voyage to the server and the server is committed to give an answer to the user. It's like going to the oracle. Yes, the oracle with eyes turned up to the sky and funny clothes, not the oracle database server.

Easiest and probably most elegant way to manage a login form is making is action calling again the login page. This is the meaning of the any keyword we used last time to define the route. You arrive on the login route with a GET (obtaining the form), you process the submitted data with a POST on the same route.

The four needed steps are:

  1. Create the form object
  2. obtain the DATA inserted from the user
  3. process the data
  4. Do something with the data (yes, you can throw it away and laugh, but this way you'll never become a professional programmer)

As you can see the code is very simple and it's just HTML::FormFu syntax mixed up with very few Dancer2 magic.
We saw the first two lines in the last chapter. They, with the last one, make the form appear on the screen. The params keyword retriver all the variables arrived with the request, it's a pointer to an hash that's suitable for the $form->process. Process takes every key in the hash and put it in the field of the form with the same name, triggering contraints, validators, inflators etc. etc. The result of this computation is in the submitted_and_valid variable that can be easly tested to see if the data can be processed.

Staying in the same route makes all the messages easy to manage. The process can find a violeted contraint, for example (as an empty field, as we configured), then it can write the error message directly in the form and the rendering, on the bottom of the route, will make it automatically visible.

In the GET scenario no param is present, process receive an undef and do nothing to change the form. The render will display the form untouched, ready to be used.

What about the login_valid? It's up to you, you have to decide when a user is good and when it's not.
This is a easy and dumb implementation:

Users and passwords are on a little DB table, accessible using the Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC (as always). Remember: just the MD5 for your password IS NOT a secure way to store it. But, as I said, this is just an example.

Well, there's just one more thing to say, probably the most interesting because it's the one about Dancer2 structure and server-side logic. It's just this: now we have a login page, what we need is that it appears every time someone try to navigate our admin panel. EVERY TIME.

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